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Category: Design Pattern


The Visitor pattern is a pattern that allows developers to separate the algorithm from the object structure on which it operates. It allows developers to define a new operation without changing the classes of the objects on which it operates. The Visitor pattern involves two main components: the Visitor and…

Template method

The behavioural design pattern for template method is used to define the skeleton of an algorithm in a base class and allow subclasses to override specific steps. This pattern involves creating a base class that implements the common steps of an algorithm and defines abstract methods that the subclass must…


The behavioural design pattern for strategy is used to encapsulate a family of algorithms or strategies and make them interchangeable. This pattern involves creating a set of classes that implement a common interface for performing a specific task. The context class, which uses the strategy classes, can select a strategy…


The behavioural design pattern for state, also known as the state pattern, is used to encapsulate an object’s behaviour based on its state. This pattern involves creating separate classes for each possible state of an object and delegating state transitions to these classes. The state classes are responsible for changing…


Behavioral design patterns are an important aspect of software design that provide solutions to problems that arise in software development. One such pattern is the Observer pattern, which is used to define a one-to-many dependency between objects so that when one object changes state, all its dependents are notified and…


Behavioral design patterns are an essential aspect of software design that provide solutions to problems that arise in software development. One such pattern is the Memento pattern, which is used to capture and store an object’s state for later retrieval. The Memento pattern falls under the category of Behavioral design…


Behavioral design patterns are a set of design patterns that focus on improving the communication and interaction between objects in a software system. One such pattern is the Mediator pattern, which promotes loose coupling between objects by ensuring that they do not communicate directly with each other, but rather interact…


Behavioral design patterns are a set of design patterns that focus on improving the communication and interaction between objects in a software system. One such pattern is the Iterator pattern, which provides a way to access the elements of an aggregate object sequentially without exposing its underlying representation. The Iterator…


Behavioral design patterns are a set of design patterns that focus on improving the communication and interaction between objects in a software system. One such pattern is the Interpreter pattern, which is used to define a grammar for a language and interpret sentences of that language. The Interpreter pattern can…


Behavioral design patterns are a set of design patterns that focus on the communication and interaction between objects. The Command pattern is one of the most commonly used behavioral patterns in software development. The Command pattern is a design pattern that encapsulates a request or command as an object, allowing…